Pogácsa Recipe

From Gergő

I promised you the recipe of the pogácsa (cheese scone, that we tried at the Market Hall), which is a great introduction of the Hungarian cuisine. The best snack for a birthday, having friends over or just for a lazy Sunday afternoon:) Don’t be afraid of spoiling it, it is not too complicated, so it is definitely worth trying.

500 gram flour – I used all-purpose

1 package baking powder

200 gram butter

1 tablespoon salt

2 eggs – divided to yolks and egg whites

5 tablespoon sour cream

250 gram shredded cheese – Eidamer if you can get it

Mix the flour, salt and butter together. In another small bowl,mix the egg yolks with the sour cream and  baking powder and add it to the flour mixture. Work it together. Knead the dough for about 10-15 minutes. First, the dough will be very sticky and wet but do not worry, just knead. Add some extra flower to make it less sticky. When you see the dough has come together, place a cloth on top of the bowl and set it aside. Preferably in the fridge for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, the first folding comes.

Roll the dough out. get a cutter (round shape) and cut the pogacsa.Place the little puffs on a baking sheet. Beat the egg whites slightly and spread it on the puffs lightly. Sprinkle some salt and add the cheese generously on top. Bake them for 15 minutes on 190C. Let them cool before serving.


All the best,

Gergő from Budapest