Trump & the wall

I watched Donald Trump’s statement regarding the Mexican border.  I assumed he was pandering on the basest level to get the vote of disgruntled voters.  What disturbed me was that so many people I talked with were  supportive of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

My comments follow:

1.  Considering the deficit and Republican call for reduced domestic spending, how much will a 2,000 mile wall cost?

2.  Studies have shown approximately 50% of illegal aliens enter the U.S. legally.  What measures will address this fact.  Will we stop foreign visitors/tourists?

3.  If we stop southern land entry will sea or northern entry increase?  How do you monitor 2,000 miles of border for tunneling, breaching, etc.

4.  The northern border with Canada is a source for Korean, Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese, Mexican, etc.  illegal immigration.  Will we build a 1,500 mile northern wall?

5.  The illegal drug traffic is supported by a demand.  If there was no demand, there would be less wealth moving out of the U.S.  U.S. is 5% of worlds population but consumes 25% of illegal drugs.  Would you ban banks to stop bank robberies or party stores to reduce hold ups?

6.  An illegal immigrant killed killed several people.  There fore we should spend billions protecting our shores.  GM killed over 100 through conspiring to hide defects.  What should we do with GM?

7.  Trump’s confrontational style has further degraded opinion about the U.S. according to my friends across the world.  My local friends seem to say “So what?”  Well remember that Chinese bought more new cars than Americans did lat year.

8.  What does Trump say about his video touting ACN which technically was not a Ponzi scheme but about as close as you could get. The “cheap” energy was not cheap and the $500 start up cost could only be recouped by getting others to invest.

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